Tuesday, May 27, 2014

10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Be With Him

So he has been your exclusive date for quite some time now. You feel like you know him too well but you still dillydally to make it official. Yes, you like him... but the question is: Do you like him enough to be in a relationship with him? Here's a reality check I believe every woman should think about before moving on to the next level: commitment.

These are just few reasons that a woman considers before entering in a relationship. Check this out, I know you'd find it familiar.

1. "It's a practical decision to be with him." If you think it is practical and convenient for you to have him around--- then don't do it. Most of the time, women enter in a relationship with someone they are comfortable to be with. If you are comfortable to be with him because you already know him and you feel it is convenient for you (since there's no need for dramatic adjustment,) then I'm gonna tell you to think again. Being in a relationship is not because of convenience and practicality---it is because you want him to be secured with you--- you want to be committed because you want future plans together.

2. "It's okay to lower my standards." If we'll talk about standards, every woman has her own sets of it, and most of the time, it's a set of unrealistic ones. I'm not saying it's not okay to have standards. In fact, I encourage every woman to have a set of standards--- those that are reasonable enough. Of course, any guy would always fall short if it's unattainable. Be realistic, but be clear on how low you can go. Try to weigh his best and worst--- if he sucks at one thing which is not that important to you, maybe he compensates it with other things that could mean more to you.

Ex. Techy Savvy < Good Humored

3. "He's okay." If this is how you describe him, then don't go for it. Okay is just okay. I believe that a girl who's seriously in love with a guy would go beyond "okay." There should be an effortless connection; a strong chemistry. The guy must have something that can make you instantly high. If his surprises, gifts, or even his mere presence cheesed you off, then forget about it. Next, please!

4. "He's a Work in Progress." Yes, you like him, but there are a lot of things you want to change about him. He wants to be in a relationship with you because he wants a girlfriend--- not some life or personality coach or maybe a stylist who’d decide for his wardrobe. Bottom line: Don’t make him into something he's not. A sensible guy wouldn't change his personality or maybe his fashion sense just to fit in with your standards unless he loves you so much. And you wouldn't try to change him anyway, unless you like him enough.

5. "But He's the Right Guy." Maybe he has all the qualities to be in a "right guy" category and you still can't figure out why you are not thrilled. Some women who had been in a relationship for a long time ended up marrying the guy, not because they found the right guy. Most of the time, these guys are not even one inch of an ideal men, but there's something in them... they give them thrills--- effortlessly. Thrill is something you can't fake nor develop with time. So how would you know what kind of thrill I am telling here? You know it, when you know it. Trust me.

6. "I'm the Boss." All of the girls have one thing in common: they secretly dreaming of a guy who would control them. Seriously. Some would deny it. Some girls are just too bossy and proud but whether they admit it or not--- they'd want someone who'd control them and at the same time pamper them. Yeah, it's a little bit twisted. I know. But the act of controlling a girl or being able to pacify a woman who would blow a fuse is such a manly act. So if this guy you're thinking of having a relationship with would just say "yes" to you--- don't bore yourself. Go out in the wild. Find someone else who would have the guts to tame you.

7. "I Feel Like I'm Too Much For Him." So you feel you're too beautiful, too rich or too intelligent for him? If you believe so, I won't argue. The good thing about it is that these guys whom you feel lesser than you can be the best ego booster. You can have the compliments and the right words, anytime you need them. The bad news? We are figuring out potential boyfriends, not a die hard fan. It might feel good; but in the long run, it would be boring. Warning: No go.

8. I Always Defend 'Why Him?' There are two types of reaction of a woman when asked "Why him?" The first woman would smile, giggle, and then give you 101 good points why they chose the guy; while the other would just smile... maybe think of a good reason... and come up with nothing. Guess who's happier? The second woman. If you feel like you'd sound defending "why him" to all of your friends, (and when I say friends I mean people you like and those you secretly hate) then it's time for you to have a reality check. Being in a relationship with a guy is a decision. If you're really into the guy, your friends' opinion would not even matter. We like someone because we like them, at the same time, we don't because we don't.

9.   "He Wouldn't Argue." Is he too predictable? Are his ways familiar to that one movie you saw years ago that you could guess what his next move or line would be? Some women would find a guy who doesn't argue attractive--- (this is rare kind of woman though) while most of the women I know would want a sensible guy who could handle an argument. Someone who would express his stance even if what he has in mind might not please her girlfriend. And these guys made complete sense to me. What is a relationship without a little spice? Being with a guy who doesn't argue is like depriving yourself of a hot kiss and make up after a fight. Now that's orgasmic.

10. "I Don't Think About the Future Yet." It's a very lame excuse. Tell me something, without hypocrisy and denial---- do you really, really, see yourself building your own family with this guy? Do you see him to be a potential husband someday? Some women would say they are just having fun and taking it slow--- if that's the same reason you have in your mind, then what's the point of being in a relationship? If you don't think about the future yet, then don't be in a commitment. The very reason you would want to be in a relationship with the guy is because you want a deeper connection, to get to know him, to figure out if he can be a future lifetime partner. Now, if you don't see yourself being with him in a long run and you're just "enjoying the moment"... then just do so. Of course, without commitment.

If these reasons toy in your mind upon considering a relationship with a guy, then you're a very smart woman--- to chill (maybe smoke and coke? hello, you!), think for awhile and realize maybe it's not yet the right time or the right guy for you to be in a relationship with. Maybe you needed to slow down. Breathe. And save someone from a possible heartbreak. Why waste your time, or his time? Keep on searching... not because he's worth it... but because you are.

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