Friday, May 9, 2014

Setting Up an Appointment Online (Philippine Passport Application)

Hello, there. For my first post, I wanted to blog something that's gonna be useful for everyone.
Getting a Philippine Passport.
Well, this is not really new but I just want to share how easy this thing could be done.
The first time I tried to apply for a passport, I was worried about the documents I should present, hat the valid IDs, and so on. I asked people I knew and for some reasons, they all sounded as if it was the hardest thing to get.
Nah, really.
It was even easier than enrolling in Bulacan State University--- seriously.
So, how to really get a Philippine Passport for the first time?
First thing to consider is the place where you live when choosing the nearest branch to apply for Passport. Here are the list of DFA branches and you may pick one as the most convenient place for you to apply. Second, just click the branch you'd like to set an appointment to and you'd be directed to the page and find "Start Individual Appointment Process" at the very bottom page on the left side.

Now, all you have to do is fill out that page.

The following guide is for the people who are applying for Philippine Passport for the first time.

Here is what you will see.

Please select "New". Then just kindly fill it out.

For the Purpose of Travel, you may select any of the following. Some of my friends who planned to go abroad to look for work choose "Others" then type "Personal".
Now, if you don't have an Occupation, just put "Housewife" (for married women), Self-Employed or NONE. That's okay too. Don't worry, it's not big deal. For those people who don't have a job, just put seven 9s on the "Office Number" field just like this:

Next is Contact Information box. What is very important here is that you need to make sure the email you will put there is a valid email address and is very accessible. DO NOT LEAVE ANY BLANKS otherwise it won't proceed to the next page.
For the Processing Type, it may be "Regular" or "Rush".
Remember for additional fee of 120 PHP (Pesos) on top of 1,200 PHP (Pesos) in case you want to have it delivered to your house, which is more practical and convenient as for my two cents. Make sure to review everything before hitting "Submit" button. If you think everything is correct, just press "Submit." And voila! You have just set an appointment for Philippine Passport Application.
Important Note: The appointment will be sent to the email you have provided. Be sure to print it out because you must show it to DFA upon processing your passport.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or stories you want to share, please leave a comment here. I'd love to hear from you and respond to you as soon as possible. You may also follow me on twitter, I follow back :)
So there you go! Hope this helps.
To God, to God, to God be the glory. :)

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