Saturday, October 25, 2014

Answered Prayers

Verse of the day:
And all things ye shall in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Matthew 21:22

In some NIV (New International Version), it says "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

This is just amazing. I was marveled and blown away. Jesus gave us a clear and easy steps in getting what we ask for. The first thing is to ask in praying, believe that God will provide it and then lastly, receive it.

Asking through prayer is easy--- claiming and believing was actually the hard part. If you ask for something, you should be confident that God can do it. I know it's easier said than done. 

When I was young, God never failed me. Even the most selfish and petty prayers were answered. I wondered what happened as I grow up.

In Matthew 19: 14, Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

That's when I realized what happened to me. As a child, I didn't really care so much if this or that was impossible. All I did was ask them at night in prayers, and trusted that God would give it to me, regardless how impossible it might be. As a young girl, I believed that God was too big and powerful, overflowing with goodness that nothing could ever be impossible when I asked. I believed that God loved me enough, that He had a big widescreen tv and was watching over me. When I wanted something, I just asked for it.

I never worried that it was impossible. I was confident that there's nothing my good Lord could not do for me.

But as I grow up, I realized that life wasn't easy. I realized I have to work hard for something if I want it. I still pray. But it never made me less worried. Then it suddenly hit to me why my sincerest prayers seemed to not work anymore. Here are some tips you might find helpful:

1. Pray like a child. When you want something, ask for it. You don't have to justify or defend why you want it. What I used to do was pray and tell God all my good intentions. But God sees my heart. God knows my intention. He sees my real motives. So next time you want something, just ask for it. You don't have to sugar coat it. Just ask God through prayers and believe He'll do it for you.

2. Do not bargain. I am guilty of this because I often tell God that if He'd answer my prayer, I would be a better person or I'd promise to do this and that in return. God doesn't need my promise. God doesn't ask anything in return. God doesn't need anything from me aside from one thing--- FAITH.

3. Leave up all your worries. When I was a child, when I was afraid of something, I will pray. And right after I prayed, I instantly felt good because I knew He'd answer it. I would feel good because I trust in Him. I became confident after every prayer because I knew that God would give it to me. Leave up to Him all your worries. Trust that God will do it because He loves you.

4. Be specific. "Lord, I leave up to you everything." this is the common prayer I often hear. There's nothing wrong with it. But if you want for something, you have to be specific. Tell God what it is that you want. You are having a quality time with God when you pray. You are having your most intimate moment with Him. Don't waste it by being too hesitant. Tell exactly what you want and ask for it.

5. The Joy of Receiving. Act like you already receive it after praying. Be joyful. Forget all the worries and trouble. When you pray, you don't only ask for something. You leave up to God all the negative feelings you are feeling. It could be stress, worries or fear. Be confident that God will take care of it. Go on with your life and be as joyful as possible. 

So that's about it for now. Keep the faith and be blessed!


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